Aligning your culture with your strategy to accelerate business performance
We have extensive experience driving cultural and behavioural change across industries, giving us a unique perspective on what really drives behaviour and how to achieve lasting change. Culture influences the way individuals and teams behave, driving higher levels of effectiveness which in turn impacts business results.

We operate across the full spectrum from strategic long-term culture change to help deliver the business that matters to you, to targeted specific interventions to deliver a step change in your culture.
Our approach focuses on 3 key principles:
- We believe that culture must be driven by tone from the top, with leaders role-modelling and rewarding desired behaviours. This is evidenced by the fact that organisations with the most mature & engaged leadership teams are 12x better at executing on change and growth. This must however be echoed by ‘the middle’ with direct line managers having the biggest impact on people performance
- Focusing on specific behaviours yields greater results than wholesale behavioural change with behavioural science teaching us that people can change only two or three behaviours at a time and that the desired behaviour must be specific
- To drive a shift in behaviour there are 7 levers that can each be pulled to a different degree and at a different point in time. It is critical that these interventions are carefully planned on a just in time principle
We have three core areas of expertise in relation to culture:
- Culture definition, assessment and driving long-term sustainable change
- Assessing and reducing conduct risk
- Creating a speak-up culture