Prolific author, HBR and Forbes contributor, and expert in helping organisations widen diversity of thought.
Avivah Wittenberg-Cox speaks and consults across the globe, writes for FORBES and Harvard Business Review, and is the Founder and Honorary President of the Global Professional Women’s Network. She has listened to thousands of executives through her consulting business, thousands of women through her non-profit roles, and hundreds of couples in her coaching and consulting work. She brings a big-picture perspective to contemporary issues, at work and in life.
Avivah is CEO of 20-first, a global consulting firm interested in capturing the competitive advantage of gender, nationality, and generational balance for their clients. Since 2005, she has worked with CEOs, Executive Committees and top management teams from some of the world’s best-known companies to capture the business opportunities of more balanced, 21st century forms of leadership, customer connections and talent management.
Women don’t need fixing. Men don’t need blaming. Companies need changing.